WebSummit 2018
WebSummit 2018
This week starts WebSummit 2018, held at the Altice Arena in Lisbon, this conference on startups has become a forum for ideas, which include debates and brief lectures, with an average of 20 minutes each, where there are well known speakers who speak between the misinformation of today and that can be found online to artificial intelligence passing through the obstacles and problems of the Web world created by Tim Barsners-Lee, and the blogging service, Blogger, by Evan William.
The opening will be attended by the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, and the Prime Minister, António Costa. And it will have speakers such as Emmett Shear (CEO – Twitch), Young Sohn (President and CSO Samsung Electronics), Bem Sillberman (CEO & Co-Founder Pinterest), among many others.
You will be able to follow live how you can watch live through the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkzNZKCxMKc